CIN NO:U40300DL2018PTC338280

Avaada Solarise Energy Private Limited.

We have built 50 x 3 MW of solar power project at Pavagada Park, Karnataka. Our track-record vouches for delivering path-breaking solar power solutions.

Board Of Directors

Financial Information

Listed Non-Convertible Debentures

Listed NCDs

6.75% rated, listed, secured, redeemable, non-convertible debentures (‘NCDs’) have been allotted to QIBs on private placement basis.
Face Value: INR 10,00,000/- each
No. of NCDs issued and outstanding: 4,990
ISIN: INE07H107012
Listed: NCDs are listed on BSE Limited
Date of Listing: March 7, 2022
Scrip code: 973825
CIN: U40300MH2018PTC440054

Catalyst Trusteeship Limited
Address: 810, 8th Floor, Kailash Building
26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110001
Phone: +91 (11) 43029101
Fax: +91 (22) 49220505

Link Intime India Pvt Ltd.
Address: C-101, 247 Park, LBS Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai- 400083
Phone: +91 22 49186000
Fax: +91 22 49186060

Corporate Social Responsibility

The Company undertakes its CSR activities through Avaada Foundation, viz. Section 8 Company incorporated for the purpose with which the Company have entered into a collaboration arrangement. Avaada Foundation would undertake CSR activities in the focus areas of education, empowerment, healthcare, environment and rural electrification on behalf of the Company.


Contact Us

Registered/Corporate Office

Compliance Officer/Designated Official Handling Investor Grievances

Mr. Rajesh Bihari Dwivedi


Mr. Dwivedi has done M.Tech- Control System from NIT Allahabad and B.E- Electronics & Telecom from Govt Engineering College, Rewa and is heading Operations and Maintenance of the Group.

He has overall 23+ years of experience in operation and maintenance, design engineering and project erection & commissioning etc and has previously worked with NTPC, Lanco Infratech & L&T.

Mr. Gopal Goel


Mr. Goel is a qualified Chartered Accountant (C.A.) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), New Delhi and LLB, Gold Medallist from C.C.S. University Meerut and is heading Taxation function of the group.

He has overall experience of more than 21 years in the field taxation including Corporate Income Tax, International Tax, Transfer Pricing, VAT, GST etc and has previously worked with L&T, Punj Lloyd and Isolux Corsan etc.